Are you earning cash back dollars for all of your parts, service and new vehicle purchase dollars you spend? With our Preferred Customer Program you will!
Earn $25.00 instant credit for parts and service, pre-loaded on your Preferred Customer Card.
Earn $100.00 instant credit for vehicle purchase, pre-loaded on your Preferred Customer Card.
We'll keep track of your purchases and credit you dollar earnings to your account.
You can check your balances by going to our loyalty website at
There will be no payments of cash, your earnings may only be redeemed for Buick or Chevrolet purchases.
Earn 5% on any paid repairs (not warranty work) net of coupons.
Earn 5% on any parts purchased.
Earn 5% on any vehicle accessories purchased.
Earn $300.00 toward your next vehicle purchase.
Redeem your dollars on your next paid service visit.
Redeem your dollars on accessories purchased.
Redeem your dollars on your next paid parts purchase.
Redeem your dollars on any NEW vehicle purchase in the new car showroom.
One award point equals one dollar.
Points cannot be redeemed for cash.
Any items purchased with the Preferred Card cannot be returned for cash. All returned item's value will be applied to the Preferred Card.
Your award points can be used only for retail purchases at Notbohm Motors.
Purchasers with a GMS or employee related discount are not eligible for $300 for the purchase of another vehicle.
Preferred owners can use their reward points toward any vehicle purchase, service expense, parts, and/or accessory purchase in one transaction
Notbohm Motors may modify any of the terms and conditions governing the Program - including, but not limited to, the methods through which points can be earned, how the Program can be used, the value of the earned dollars, at any time, without notice, even though these changes may affect the Preferred Owner's ability to use that they have already earned.
Award points cannot be used in conjuction with other specials and coupons.
All cards with 24 months of inactivity will expire.
Employees of Notbohm Motors are not eligible.
Your Preferred Card can be used for any vehicle in your household.
Points can only be earned on cash purchases.
You cannot accrue points on warranty, insurance, or extended warranty purchase.
Notbohm Motors reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue the program at any time without notice.